Aalia Oursbourn
The actress was raised in England, London and has since become an British American actor. Los Angeles based designer, she's taking her creative talents on the next level. Aalia began her modeling career at the age of reached 13 years old and was spotted by a fashion company. Aalia went to engineering school in London then moved to America to pursue film making. She has a handsome list of her graduation certificates from a prestigious University that make her life stunning. While growing up, she studied the Culture of the United States and Great Britain. This made it easy to write about these cultures. Blogger and photographer who conveys the look and excitement of hi-tech and fashion in various countries. She also likes to update the public on fitness and health through her blog posts of photos. Aalia has worked for various international corporations and, after being a fashion model, she's worked on a campaign in conjunction with National magazines. Aalia was featured and photographed by various famous international magazines.

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