Aalia Oursbourn
Aalia Oursbourn is a filmmaker as well as a British American actor. Los Angeles is where she uses her creativity to the next step. Aalia started her modeling career when she reached 13 years old and was spotted by a fashion house. Aalia earned an engineering degree in London after which she moved to America and embarking on a filmmaking career. She has beautiful graduation certificates and an enviable lifestyle that is stunning. As a child in the United States and British Isles, it's normal for her to be able write about the culture of both countries. She is both a blogger and an online photographer. Her blog updates adventure, style and the latest trending fashions as well as Hi-tech from different countries. She also enjoys informing people about health and fitness by blogging about her photos. Aalia gained experience with several multinational corporations, as well as model for National magazines. Aalia's photo and interview were taken by several international publications.

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